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Watch Two And A Half Men S02E02 [BEST]

Now, in Season 2, Campion has once again chosen an Australian co-director I'm completely unfamiliar with. His name is Ariel Kleiman and he has one feature film with middling reviews, 2015's "Partisan," under his belt. He solo directed half of Season 2 of "Top of the Lake," including episode 2, and thus far, I'm pretty impressed with him. I'd like to think Jane Campion intentionally works with somewhat inexperienced Australian directors in order to help them build their skillsets and learn more about the industry from a true master, but the one piece of information I was able to find (from an interview with The Guardian) suggests otherwise:

Watch Two And a Half Men S02E02

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Episode 2 did have some really beautiful shots that I highlighted in my notes. At around 34 minutes, we see Robin walk through Cinnamon's brothel through the slatted mirror on the wall. The camera slowly pans over so we see the actual Robin at the very end of the mirror. It's one, fluid motion that creates the illusion of multiple Robins, entering the room at different starting points. If you can, go back and re-watch it because it is a truly stunning; a screenshot wouldn't do it justice.

Fr. Greg Boyle: The God's dream come true is, as Jesus says, that you may be one. Kinship is God's dream come true.Sara Barton: Hello. My name is Sara Barton and I am the university Chaplain at Pepperdine University. Welcome to Pepperdine Spiritual Life Podcast. A podcast about how people in our community, along with our friends and guests are finding and joining God's good work in the world. Jesus said, "Seek and you shall find." I will be talking to people who are doing just that. So let's get started.Sara Barton: Today my guest is Father Gregory Boyle, aka Father G, aka Pops. Do I have any other names that I have forgotten there?Fr. Greg Boyle: None that I can repeat on the air.Sara Barton: Okay. Greg, Gregory I'll call you. Greg, Gregory. What do you like?Fr. Greg Boyle: Nobody calls me Gregory, that's for sure.Sara Barton: Okay then, I'll call you Father Greg. Welcome to the podcast and welcome to Pepperdine and welcome to my home where we're hosting this podcast. Thank you for speaking in Chapel just a few minutes ago.Fr. Greg Boyle: Sure.Sara Barton: We really loved having you there. And then you for meeting with some of our non-profit students in just a little while. You're getting around to many constituents at Pepperdine today. So I have a bio here for you. I'll read a few items and then you can add a few more if you like. So you're a Roman Catholic priest of the Jesuit order. You are the founder and director of Homeboy Industries, the world's largest gang intervention and rehabilitation program, with degrees in Philosophy, English, Theology and Divinity. You're the author of two great books, Tattoos on the Heart and Barking to the Choir. By the way, we love those degrees in our house. You cover all the same ones that we have. Philosophy, English, Theology, Divinity, so you're right at home. And you are in the California Hall of Fame. You've been awarded numerous civic Medals of Honor and Humanitarian Awards. So this is the bio. Anything you would like to add to that?Fr. Greg Boyle: No, that I like you to... you've got everything.Sara Barton: Got everything. Well this is your bio. The things that people read when they turn to the back of the book or they introduce you in public. I'd like to know, what is your spiritual life bio, if you were going to add some to that. How would you describe who you are as a spiritual person? Where you started out? Where you are now? This is Spiritual Life Podcast, so what's your spiritual life bio?Fr. Greg Boyle: Yeah, well I was born and raised in Los Angeles by exceedingly Catholic parents. So that was part of the air we breathed, it was sort of the Catholic life, and we were kind of a Norman Rockwell painting, every Sunday. It was my parents and the eight of us, walking to church. And so that was the life into which I was born and raised. Then I was educated by the Jesuits and then this was a time when Vietnam War, and so I found them, this combination of prophetic and hilarious, which I love that combination so I was very attracted to it. I thought, "Wow, I'll have what they're having." Because-Sara Barton: The Jesuits are hilarious and prophetic?Fr. Greg Boyle: The Jesuits, yeah. So I saw the Jesuits and I said, "This is... they're remarkable." And there were lots of them when I was taught. So I was drawn to it and so I joined the Jesuits. Once you're a Jesuit, you're kind of steeped in the spirituality of Ignatius. Saint Ignatius of Loyola and he has the spiritual exercises which is a very deeply, sophisticated, psychological kind of construct that has a way of seeing God and that's quite large and spacious. In fact, Ignatius always talked about, "The God is always greater." I think it's [Trisha Favela 00:04:25] who says, "Our notion of God is like a jar, we're always breaking." That we're supposed to break it because, to make room for this larger notion of who our God is. And I like that about Ignatius and all these other things. About the discernment of spirits and how do you know if you're in fact doing what God wants you to do. Things like that.Sara Barton: Do you remember your first thoughts of God seemed like to you as a kid? As a young person?Fr. Greg Boyle: You know, our faith journey, for everybody, it's always subtraction. It's like on a boat and you have to jettison things so that you can stay afloat. So you're always discarding things, notions of God that are tiny and puny and partial, so that you can arrive at the God we actually have. So there were quite a number of things. There were jarring notions of God that I went, "No, I don't believe in that." So then you come to a sense of there's a huge gulf and difference between belief in God and knowing the God of Jesus. So, part of the task, I think in one's own life is to reclaim the mysticism of Jesus. It's like with Moses. Moses talks to God face to face. That's way different than belief in God. So you're always moving from the third grade, graduating to a higher level.Sara Barton: We would hope.Fr. Greg Boyle: You hope.Sara Barton: We hope, yeah.Fr. Greg Boyle: And you want to make sure you're not stuck, because then you've created God in your own image.Sara Barton: What was your calling into ministry, and to be the priesthood? When did that happen? Was it when you were young, teenager?Fr. Greg Boyle: I was pretty young. I was young. Again, I was educated by the Jesuits and I entered the Jesuits, the Society of Jesus, 47 years ago last Saturday. So, your reasons to enter are never the reasons you stay. But, I wouldn't trade my life for anybody's, it's led me to... more than half my life I've lived in Boyle Heights and worked with gang members, so that's been a gift.Sara Barton: Well somehow along the way in all of this, you became an entrepreneur. You got into businesses like baking and tattoo removal. How did that happen? Were you surprised when you ended up doing the things that you're doing?Fr. Greg Boyle: Yeah. I would never identify myself as an entrepreneur, although I get invited to, "Come speak at our social enterprise, entrepreneurial conference." I go, "Why? I don't get it." So everything was by accident. One thing followed the next and you're responding. So there's no big game plan, certainly no business plan. And then all of a sudden some movie producer says, "How can I help you?" And he's quite wealthy. And I go, "I don't know. There's an abandoned bakery across the street from our elementary school. You could buy it. We could fix it and repair the ovens and call it Homeboy Bakery." So that was the absolute, utter extent of my entire business plan. That was it.Sara Barton: That was your entrepreneurial impulse.Fr. Greg Boyle: Yeah, so it was never... I never read anything or knew anything.Sara Barton: Yeah, a master of Divinity doesn't really prepare you for...Fr. Greg Boyle: No, no it doesn't prepare you for much of anything really, when you think about it, though I loved my three years studying. It was a delight. People come in with alarming tattoos and want them off, "Well okay, let's find a doctor with a machine." When people are dealing with extraordinary trauma, we go, "Well, what if we had therapy?" Now we have four paid therapists, but 47 volunteer therapists, including two Psychiatrists who prescribe meds. We never set out to do any of that stuff, but you back yourself into doing those things.Sara Barton: ... So what all is encompassed with Homeboy Industries now? It started with a bakery and now there's so many more aspects of it. Tattoo removal, mental health care, Homegirl Café, is that what it's called?Fr. Greg Boyle: Mm-hmm (affirmative).Sara Barton: How many people do you employ?Fr. Greg Boyle: We're quite large. So 15000 folks a year walk through our door. So keep in mind, according to the Sherrif's Department, there are 120000 gang members in LA County, 1100 gangs. So, my guess is there isn't a zip code anywhere in the county that has a gang that hasn't seen members of that gang walk through our doors. So we're in our fourth headquarters after 31 years. And the centerpiece is our 18 month training program, so Homies want in on that, because it's a paid gig.So we always want people to work on themselves. It's not just a job, it's about healing. It used to be job centered. Now it's healing centric. And tattoo removal, lots of curricular offerings, everything, like 50 classes, from anger management, to recovery, to grief and loss, how to manage your money, you name it and we've had it. And then case management navigators, and then we have nine social enterprises. So, we've a lot of food things, the diner at City Hall, we have a restaurant at LAX Terminal 4, Farmers' markets, Homegirl Café, the bakery. We have a Homeboy Recycling, which is electronic waste. We have a thing called Homeboy Grocery where we sell chip salsas and guacamole.Sara Barton: Mm-hmm (affirmative), I've had it, it's good.Fr. Greg Boyle: In supermarkets on both coasts. Homeboy Merchandise, Homeboy Silkscreen. So anyway, there should be nine in there, somewhere.Sara Barton: Quoting you from chapel, that sounds great.Fr. Greg Boyle: Yeah, that's right.[inaudible 00:10:14]Sara Barton: That sounds great.Fr. Greg Boyle: You're allowed to say that.Sara Barton: Do you think of... or did you originally, or have you ever thought about what you're doing as evangelism or as ministry, as mission? I mean, evangelicalism, and all that goes with it in our country right now is sometimes what people associate with evangelism. Is what you're doing evangelism? Is it mission? Is it... how do you think of what you're doing and what do you think God is doing?Fr. Greg Boyle: The poet says, "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, that sings the song without the words, it never stops at all." So I think living the gospel is singing the song without the words. Boy, do we ever get stuck. There, we think it's about words. We think it's about message. And it's just almost never is.Sara Barton: What you think in your head.Fr. Greg Boyle: Yeah. I mean, you want to live as though the truth were true. Jesus says, "My joy yours, your joy complete." So the measure of it is joy. So if it's infectious joy, then it'll be contagious. People will get it. So we don't spend a lot of time... I was once on the Christian Broadcast Network and a woman asked me what we do there and I told her all and I told her all the things I just told you from tattoo removal to training to welcoming them, so they can find some rest from their chronic toxic stress. Well, I went on at some length about what we do, and when I finish she made a phase. And she said, "Yeah, but how much time do you spend each day at Homeboy Industries praising God?" And I thought, "Wow, I don't know what to say." So I said, "All damn day."Fr. Greg Boyle: And I don't think she liked that answer very much because that's what I think the whole thing's about. If the love is not concrete, Jesus is not interested. So we spend so much time talking about how wonderful Jesus is, and Jesus is rolling his eyes and dozing off. It's like praising God for being compassionate instead of being compassionate.Sara Barton: That's good. Well-Fr. Greg Boyle: I mean, God couldn't be even remotely interested in it unless it's translated, unless you're living as though the truth were true.Sara Barton: ... Well, you see the young people we have. Well, we have many young people here. We also have non traditional students throughout Pepperdine University, but we work with a lot of young people. So if you were telling young people and advising them, this is how you're seeking the gospel, you're seeking to live out the gospel. What advice would you give young people about what that looks? If they're feeling... they're seeking, they want to serve, but they're figuring out some of the things that you're describing?Fr. Greg Boyle: Well, it's a little bit like parenting. I mean that's become a truism. So people will say about parents and their kids. Your kids won't always remember what you told them, but they will never forget how you made them feel. And it consequently, it's the same kind of thing in the living of the gospel. It's how do you feel? How do you feel when you walk into Homeboy Industries? If you're bombarded with a message, "Wow, I'm not interested." But if you feel welcomed, if you feel included, well, that's huge. So Jesus took only four things seriously, they're big things, but they're only four. Inclusion, non violence, unconditional loving kindness, and compassionate acceptance.Fr. Greg Boyle: And so part of the living of the gospel is to take those things seriously and then live those things. And that's where the joy is. It's not because it's harder, because the harder thing is just the harder thing. But you want to do the thing that most greatly resembles the kind of God we have, because that's where the joy is. There's a longing out there. I mean, even right now after the chapel, kids came up and I think they long for something. A connection to... I don't know, aspirational, and it's about imagining a circle of compassion and then imagining nobody standing outside that circle. So they connect to that, rather than it's all message. It's all insert message in their ear lobes, rather than, "Well, come on over here and stand here and watch what happens."Sara Barton: You know, at Pepperdine, we talked a lot about purpose, service and leadership. That's in our mission, it's something we emphasize with students, but a critique of Higher Education is that we take students out of their places where they're from, we bring them into the Educational Enterprise. It is not just a critique of Pepperdine, but a critique of Higher Education. And we educate them for a life of individual pursuits and upward mobility. So you will move in your life, you'll go where you... to get the better job you'll do... you have... You're working and serving in a place where you're from, where you... I mean you went and did some things outside of this area but you know this place, Los Angeles, you know it really well. What do you think about Higher Education, and what are some of your thoughts on students going to college and what we are doing? We're listening because we know it's important to listen. You're educating and in some ways in a very different way. You're a part of education as well. What do you think about the Higher Education Enterprise in your own experiences, or just as you look at it?Fr. Greg Boyle: Well, we have a thing called the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, JVC, and it's like the Peace Corps. And its graduates, mainly of our Jesuit Universities come and take a gap year and for a year, and they service. And their informal motto is ruined for life. And that's what you want to expose students to. So you want at every juncture, you want to turn things on its head. So there's the notion that at every graduation I've ever been at somebody is going to use the expression now go out there and make a difference.Sara Barton: Change the world.Fr. Greg Boyle: Yeah. But if I don't know how to do it, how do you cling to the notion of make a difference without it being about you? And it can't be about you. And so that's how you turn that on its head. So you go, "No, don't go to the margins to make a difference, go to the margin so that the folks at the margins make you different. So that the widow, orphan, and stranger change you." So we go to the margins, we go, "Now, what do I do?" No, it's not about what you will do. It's about what will happen to you here at the margins. So I was in Chicago and a young woman who was in her senior year at a university there came up to me and she said, "I'm afraid to go to the margins." I said, "Why are you afraid?" She said, "I'm afraid I won't fit in." And I said, "As long as it's about you, you'll always be afraid."Fr. Greg Boyle: And I couldn't believe that left out of my mouth like a big old frog, but I think it's true. And it can't be about you. Otherwise, it's about fixing and saving and making a difference. Which is part of the problem why people burn out. It's not because they're just the most compassionate people you've ever known, it's because they've allowed it to become only about them. So I don't tolerate that. We have 87 senior staff at Homeboy, and if they come and there, "Wow it was me, and oh my god I guess I'm just so compassionate because I'm burning out." I go, "No, that means you're doing it incorrectly. It means you've made it about you. But the minute it's not about you, you will never be depleted because you're going to the margins. And oh my god, this... you delight in people and you're allowing yourself to be reached by people rather than spending your day trying to reach people."Sara Barton: I love the idea. I think now we have a new tagline ruined for life, I think that will sell, right? But-Fr. Greg Boyle: [crosstalk 00:18:43] I think that's what you do here because you have a certain kind of idea about what's the point of education. And if the education can ruin them for life, wow, that's a wonderful place to be.Sara Barton: ... A higher aspiration.Fr. Greg Boyle: It is because then it's... then suddenly they're putting first things recognizably first. And you go, "Oh, okay." And you don't do it because it's harder, but that's where the joy is. And they won't know that until they've turned this whole thing on its head. Service is good as far as it goes and it's where everybody starts.Sara Barton: Purpose is good. As far as it goes.Fr. Greg Boyle: But service is the hallway that gets you to the bottom. You want to get to the exquisite mutuality of kinship, where we belong to each other, where we're connected to each other. Because that's where the joy is, and people don't know that. People think it's just doing the hard thing.Sara Barton: I read your book about kinship, Barking to the Choir, I love it. I hope many who are listening to the podcast will read it and Tattoos on the Heart as well. So kinship you did to explore, in the book, is that something you've been talking about and doing and living into the last, did you say 31 years? Or is this something that's recently, language that describing what's happening? How did you come to the focus of that book?Fr. Greg Boyle: Well, I think it has evolved over the years. But it'

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