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FE Gravity Controller

Ashby Cross DXBG 4-01-FE Table-Top Adhesive Dispenser is a highly versatile and economic dispensing system. The A and B components of flowable adhesive systems are gravity fed from separate refillable containers through an integral DXBG Dispenser. 1:1

FE Gravity Controller

For free falling powder and bulk products. Gravity feed type metal detectors are used iFor free falling powder and bulk products. Gravity feed type metal detectors are used in gravity feed pipes and provide the highest performance in detecting magnetic and non-magnetic metals. The bulk material falls through the metal detector. With the reject flap, even the smallest metal objects are separated out of the product stream promptly. The GF Compact has a low assembly height and is specially designed for limited space applications. Due to the ultra-compact sensor head, the metal detection performance is slightly lower compared to the full-size model.

Once installed in a gravity feed pipeline, bulk material falls through the metal detector. If any metallic contaminant, magnetic or non-magnetic is detected, the reject flap engages to promptly separate and exit the contaminant from the product stream.

METAL SHARK Gravity Feed (GF) Metal Detectors, available in both standard and compact models, are used in gravity feed pipelines to monitor for unwanted metal contaminants in continuous flowing granules or powders, such as sugar, flour, cornmeal, and spices.

Closed-loop controlled functional electrical stimulation (FES) applied to the lower limb muscles can be used as a neuroprosthesis for standing balance in neurologically impaired individuals. The objective of this study was to propose a methodology for designing a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for FES applied to the ankle muscles toward maintaining standing balance for several minutes and in the presence of perturbations. First, a model of the physiological control strategy for standing balance was developed. Second, the parameters of a PID controller that mimicked the physiological balance control strategy were determined to stabilize the human body when modeled as an inverted pendulum. Third, this PID controller was implemented using a custom-made Inverted Pendulum Standing Apparatus that eliminated the effect of visual and vestibular sensory information on voluntary balance control. Using this setup, the individual-specific FES controllers were tested in able-bodied individuals and compared with disrupted voluntary control conditions in four experimental paradigms: (i) quiet-standing; (ii) sudden change of targeted pendulum angle (step response); (iii) balance perturbations that simulate arm movements; and (iv) sudden change of targeted angle of a pendulum with individual-specific body-weight (step response). In paradigms (i) to (iii), a standard 39.5-kg pendulum was used, and 12 subjects were involved. In paradigm (iv) 9 subjects were involved. Across the different experimental paradigms and subjects, the FES-controlled and disrupted voluntarily-controlled pendulum angle showed root mean square errors of

Figure 1. Experimental setup: (A) Subject standing in the Inverted Pendulum Standing Apparatus (IPSA) (Same et al., 2013; Tan et al., 2014; Rouhani et al., 2016); (B) Electrode placement for bilateral application of FES for standing balance. For plantarflexors, 5 9 cm electrodes were applied bilaterally along the midline of the posterior calf. One electrode was placed approximately 2 cm below the popliteal fossa over the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle motor points so as to activate both gastrocnemius heads as well as the soleus muscle. The other electrode was placed around the lower end of the gastrocnemius muscle belly just above the ankle joint. For dorsiflexors, 5 5 cm electrodes were applied. One electrode was placed over the motor point of the tibialis anterior, just lateral to the fibula, and the other electrode was placed approximately 8 cm below the anode; (C) Experimental setup for testing the FES controller's response to postural balance perturbation. A perturbation bar is added with weights at its two ends. Dropping of each weight at random instants induces perturbation torque applied on the inverted pendulum. This mechanism could simulate the torque induced due to arm motion in the sagittal plane during standing.

Figure 3. The controller model used in the simulation including the two PID controllers, the gravity compensation component and the mechanism for switching between muscles, and other components added to the controller depicted in Figure 2 in order to model the experimental behavior of the system.

The ability to control gravity as a superpower (or Applied Phlebotinum that serves the same purpose). Traditionally, this has two main applications: increasing the weight of something and placing an immense crushing force onto it, or reducing the weight of something, which can either make it light as a feather (potentially enabling Not Quite Flight) or entirely weightless (which will usually result in the affected object hurtling into space).

Such a power is often coupled with a large amount of leeway as to how gravity works, such as making gravity a force with an exact cut-off range, only working on a specific object, or the third law of motion being violated with only one object being attracted to another. This power is essentially telekinesis with different flavor textnote In a gross understatement. The real difference is much more complicated., sometimes coupled with the ability to make things implode.

Note in Real Life, everything that has a mass will have their own gravity, but only sufficiently heavy objects (such as, say, planets and stars) can create powerful enough gravity force to have any discernible effect on other objects. Fictional gravity-users rarely have such issues.

Compare Magnetism Manipulation, a similar power; both it (electromagnetism, technically) and gravity are one of the four fundamental forces of the universe. Users of those are potentially among the most powerful of people. Compare also Power of the Void, which may encompass this. Artificial Gravity is when this is explicitly a technological feat. Control over gravity is one way a character may create a Corralling Vacuum.

  • Asian Animation BoBoiBoy: Yaya's powers were initially known as flight and super strength. Her true power is gravity manipulation; upon this reveal and onwards, she is also capable of causing others and herself to be bound to earth or to fly, as well as 'control the gravity' of nearby objects, enabling her to make them fly like projectiles. Super Strength is explained as amplified gravitational force in her direct attacks.

  • Toys BIONICLE There's Toa of Gravity and Kanohi Garai, Mask of Gravity. While they were never really shown in detail, the Dark Hunter Lariska mentions she once fought such a Toa whose favorite tactic was to avoid his enemy's attacks and then erase the gravity around them to leave them floating helplessly to make them easy to deal with. Having scouted him out, she practiced fighting while affected by Levitation Kanohi Disks to be ready for it."And he wasn't ready for me being ready."

  • Nuhvok-Kal made extensive use of this power, having used it to send a swarm of Tahnok reprogrammed by Tahu Nuva into orbit before increasing the gravity on the Toa himself to bury him in the sand. When its power went out of control from overload, its own gravity powers crushed it into a singularity.

  • The Makuta species can also control gravity, and, in turn, spawn Rahkshi of Gravity. As shown by Makuta Icarax attempting and making progress in destroying the Codrex with his power before being interrupted, they're more than capable of crushing large buildings like overripe fruit.

  • Visual Novels Rin Tohsaka from Fate/stay night can adjust gravity using her magic crest, which she uses in the prologue to lighten her body and run more than 100 meters in less than seven seconds.

  • In Sunrider, the Bianca has a built-in gravity gun that can move enemy Ryders one space in any direction: perfect for giving your own Ryders free attacks against the target by moving it into an adjacent space. It can also be used to immobilize enemy Ryders or even tear out vital components like their reactors... in cutscenes, anyway. In Sunrider 4: The Captain's Return, raising Claude's affection level will let the gravity gun move capital ships and torpedoes too.

  • Lambdadelta from Umineko: When They Cry is this. She can create black holes.

  • Web Original Solar Max II from the Academy of Superheroes ASH universe is an extremely powerful gravity-wielder, enough so that he can make black holes and bend space. Devastator, a supervillain, has power over multiple forces including gravity.

  • In New Vindicators, one of the students from the European school, Kasimir Flaegler is a German boy whose powers manifested when he was blinded and nearly killed during a boating accident. He can alter local gravity enough to let others have a limited kind of flight, fly himself, raise or lower gravity, fire gravity blasts, and at one point helped keep the falling sky island of Laputa aloft.

  • Fantasy artist Robin Wood's "Theory of Cat Gravity", which holds that cats lie in the sunshine to absorb some of the sun's considerable gravitational force. They release that gravity when they're sitting on their owners, which explains why it's so difficult to get up when your cat has you pinned.

  • This is common enough in the Whateley Universe that there are standard 'moves' for gravity-wielders. Jadis' new roommate Misty can lift several tons, or can slam someone to the ground with several tons of force. Misty has (unfortunately) named herself "Superchick" and adopted a trademark-violating costume she made herself.

  • Then there's G-Force, who is one of the Capes (the Future Superheroes of America club) on campus. When attacked by G-Force, Phase demonstrated that this power set has some distinct weaknesses.

  • Topsy from Worm has a wide area-effect power to make gravity go in whatever direction he wants, be it left, right or up. Snag from Ward can manipulate his own personal gravity to "fall" in any direction he wants.


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